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STC New England Chapter InterChange 2015 Program

This is the program for the Society for Technical Communication (STC) New England Chapter's InterChange conference in 2015. This is a regional conference where technical communicators from Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine meet to network, hear developments in the field, and learn new ideas they can take back to their workplaces. This year, it was held at the University of Massachusetts Lowell in Lowell, Massachusetts.

The Final Road: New Horizons Closes in on Former Planet Pluto

In late 2013, I wrote about the NASA spacecraft New Horizons making its final journey to the dwarf planet Pluto. I focused on how its instruments can be used to prove that Pluto is, in fact, not a planet, despite protestations from the public and the scientific community. Here, I wrote for an interested, but not attentive audience. I wrote this article as if it would appear in Popular Science or some other scientifically-oriented magazine. This gives interested readers a chance to learn about complex system, the spacecraft, and how its instruments can be used to finally prove that Pluto is not a planet.

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